2nd Single Cell & Spatial Omics Hackathon

We are excited to announce our 2nd hackathon on single-cell and spatial omics between Korean researchers!


Welcome to the 2nd Single Cell & Spatial Omics Hackathon, taking place from February 17-21, 2025, at Chung-Ang University’s DaVinci Campus in Anseong, Gyeonggi-do. This prestigious event is jointly hosted by Soongsil University, Single Cell & Spatial Omics Korea (SCSOK), and Korea Bio Research Association (KOBRA), organized by Dr. Junil Kim from Soongsil University.

The hackathon will convene experts, researchers, and data scientists from across Korea in a dynamic collaborative environment to advance innovation in single-cell and spatial omics data analysis. Participants will have the opportunity to work alongside peers on real-world datasets, developing cutting-edge analytical tools that provide profound insights into single-cell and spatially resolved biological data.

As rapidly evolving fields driven by technological advancement and the growing demand for sophisticated analysis methods, single-cell and spatial omics represent crucial areas for scientific progress. This hackathon serves as an essential platform for interdisciplinary collaboration, bringing together professionals from bioinformatics, software development, and spatial biology in Korea. Teams will work collaboratively under expert mentorship to develop prototype solutions within designated timeframes.

Interested participants can register for this exciting opportunity at https://kobra.kr/REGISTRATION.